Oh yes, of course, I do, Heather! I'd venture to say that all writers/artists experience the same. Right now, for whatever reason, I'm in the most prolific writing period ever. It started when I joined Substack. But, I have gone for months, make that YEARS, where my art/writing is dry as a bone. I'm old (and hopefully wise) enough now to just go with the flow when that happens. I know that just living life without creating something tangible is still creating. Incubating.

On another note, I don't like those false springs, weather-wise. It's hard on our bodies and minds, and I always feel sorry for how it affects plants and animals.

Hang in there, Heather! It will flow again. It always does! xoxo

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Thank you, Barbara, for you wise words and encouragement!

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You're so welcome, Heather! xoxo

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